
One done, one more to go!

Done with my first thesis, but no time to celebrate ...

I wonder whose idea it was that we have to write two different theses just to get this boring bachelor degree. It's useless anyway! Out there (in the real world), companies still don't even know that there is something like a "bachelor". I guess, they wouldn't even consider hiring anybody with just "half a degree". The only advantage is that, theoretically, one can change university after bachelor and continue somewhere completely else. But that doesn't explain what we need two theses for. Well, can't be changed now anyway.

Right now, I'm in an internship with a research company. At least the work is interesting. Got a Kubuntu PC there. Made me want to install some Linux distribution on my laptop too, but - as I could have expected - troubles with the graphics card. Linux always needs 3 year old hardware. Well, it will get that soon ;)

... As soon as I get my master.

I think, that's just fair!

(K) I love you, Marko! (})



Hmm.. some sucky things have happened lately :P My laptop broke... I got sick from a pizza... and the nice and warm weather ended :( +4-> -11 in one day. 

Well... the laptop problem is being processed right now... Had to go to the shop where I bought it and ask for a receipt and send it to hp and then wait for them to contact me and send the laptop to them :P Therefore I wont have a laptop in Austria... but I think that's good actually. more time for me and Anita ;)

Also I'm getting better already from the probable foodpoisoning, and the weather should get better in the weekend, so everything's good.

Now I just have to somehow spend a bit over 2 more days... Well, I do have one more school stuff to do. Have to write an english presentation, but that's a matter of few minutes.

That's it for now, most likely next post will come from Austria.

Love you forever Anita.


Last moments part 2.

The holiday is getting closer again.... and this time it's much longer... a whole month, starting from 15th of December until 15th of January. I can't wait to get to Austria.

We've already planned a lot of stuff for the holiday, most mentionable would be skiing trip :P Would be my first time ever to do alpine skiing...I hope I don't break my legs :P Then... I guess we'll also visit a running sushi, that's something we don't have in Finland... ( Only buffet we have is with kebab, rice and frenchfries).

Just few more weeks.

Love you forever Anita.


Christmas time is here (soon)

Even if shops want us to think Christmas time starts in Oktober ...
Christmas time starts in December. It's the time for mulled wine, gingerbread and co. There are the Christmas markets, Christmas songs, Santa Claus for those who like them and those who don't. For students Christmas time mostly means: exams. Nothing you'd be looking foward to all year long ;)
After Christmas I'll be off to work as an intern. Then there's bachelor exam and afterwards off to Finland!!! ... Lots of plans for the next year already.
Enjoy Christmas!